Don't be scared of the dark, enjoy your books, and the lady has to take you to school and pick you up in the afternoon, stop getting so angry about things you cannot control.
After I passed the great 10 years of age mark, I first of all changed schools just before I got into secondary school, so yeah, new school, new uniform, new friends, no more walking to school, being escorted by an armed officer (pretty cool) couldn't complain, rather, this new form of being ushered to school was very much embraced lol. Not for any other reason than, it was cool to have someone bring me lunch every afternoon from Mr. Biggs loool and wait till I was done to take me home. I made new friends, immediately went into the more chilled and laid back class (the other class had this mean lady who used to either threaten or beat you, I don't know which but I thanked my God the girls in the chilled-out class rushed me into theirs on my first day). I'm sure Mrs B. wasn't that bad, actually I found out she was cool later on and maybe the lovely girls with smiley faces were the ones I should have been scared of but yeah, it was all good. And to you, the stupid bespectacled prefect or head girl who came to attack me on my first day and told me in the bitchiest way possible that my shoes were the wrong colour (little Bunmi thinks: you dead dog, my new school shoes are being purchased as we speak hissss with your freaky legs) I still see you around, and I will never forgive you for doing that, butt-face. If I could talk to myself at the beginning of what was a very lively and utterly heartbreaking (at the time) period, I would tell myself:
Don't feel bad for anything you cannot help, whether it's winning every dancing competition at every party, whether it is "coming between" two best friends whose hobbies are already to bitch about each other to you till they run out of breath, they are not friends anyway. Don't feel weird that you don't like the heart throb of the class, he isn't that special, and you are not strange for not liking him, its okay to prefer the more quiet and cute boys, they are more special anyway. Oh and one last thing, only slap when its necessary and babygirl, if you are going to slap, SLAP HARDER!
Okay so leaving my new friends, time to go to secondary school, there was a big fight and we never spoke again *sigh* but before then, I cultivated the habit of organising how-do-i-say.... social events lolol, mine was the first party that boys and girls danced properly, like no dancing competition and all that crap, and then in the first days of secondary school, a big group of us just sort of gelled and became what was known as *the bubblers*, we had some extra friends who maybe were not friends with all but only some of us, but yeah we were one big happy family. I'm not going to go into this stage too much apart from saying that we as a group were accused of everything from lesbianism to cultism and carrying out devilish rituals lol, at the time it was quite stressful but looking back it is hilarious at the thought of someone accusing me and my 11 year old friends of being gangsters, prostitutes and cultists :D looool oh my. I would tell my innocent fun-loving pre-teen self:
Continue to have all the fun you want, continue to show that gossip and lies are for people who have nothing good going on in their lives and do not give that stupid "school mother" half or even any of your pocket money EVER, to some people, the truth is not normal. Oh and sitting on a girl's laps doesn't make you a lesbian.....relax, that teacher is a maniac (apparently her daughter used to smell/pee on the bed/was a kleptomaniac) you get the picture.
Too much nostalgia for one sitting.....*sigh*
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