*GUILT* might seem a really random thing to want to talk about...but let me explain it the way I see guilt...
What is guilt??
Guilt to me is the feeling we get from the knowledge that something which shouldn't have, has come about....its the "bad" and rather unpleasant sensation we get when we genuinely regret something which has happened as a result of our actions basically. Thats the way I see it.
Well...we have to appreciate the fact that an "offense" to one person might be a normal thing for another to do. I mean if one person lies and feels bad about it, another might lie and feel like they have done something good. I'll give an example of one of the most common questions asked...by females and maybe even some males lol. "Do I look fat in this?" or even its junior sister- "Does my bum look big in this?" We all know we have asked this question (most of us) at some point or the other, and we have been on the receiving end of the question too....thats where most of the problem lies - at the receiving end of the question.
I wont go into the complexities of explaining to a person you are fond of that perhaps, their choice of outfit is not the most flattering choice they could have made. Its not an easy task, I tell you. SO most of the time, the answer is "of course not". This is not always the case however! Only a few times, the issue of whether to be honest and say "yes, your bum does look a bit large in that, please don't wear it" comes up, and I'm ashamed to say I have been guilty (a FEW times) of taking the easy way out and smiling and saying "of course not, it looks nice". This is only when the laregeness is not so glaring, and I can actually get away with telling that little white lie just to maintain peace and the feelings of the loved one in question.
The feeling afterward though, is what I am concerned about...the guilt. The feeling that I should have just told the truth and let the person know. But in my defence, and that of every other person who has been faced with this dilemma out there, the truth is that there is nothing to feel too bad about, the person who asked probably looked in the mirror, saw their looked a bit on the rotund side, and asked "does it look big in this?" when they really meant "I know my bum is big, but does it look so big that it will probably block out all rays of light for anyone who dares stand behind (or beside-in some severe cases) me?" and the simple, truthful answer to that would be "no. It doesn't look that big, it looks big , but it looks nice"...
Why, you ask, does this topic and even that of guilt have anything to do with us? Why would guilt be something we should think about.....well.....I'll leave that for you to find out in the next post :)
You like what I did there don't you? *suspense* It's great lol....I hope you fall for my little ploy and do come back to find out why guilt is a major thing we should think about....so do come back. It will be great if you do. Love.x
Ahhh that made me laugh! And now I want to know what the next post will be about!
ReplyDeleteReminds me of what my friend said about my wedding photos...
Me: "Oh. My. God. HOW many chins do I have?! Look at them all!!"
Her: "Don't worry, I'll edit them out."
Niiiice... ;)
Haha thats the idea luv....u'll know wat its about soon.
Why would u do that to ur friend??? lol....what chins?! x